
地球系统科学论坛第406期:Prof. Darryl Granger学术报告会


应赖忠平教授邀请,美国普渡大学Darryl Granger教授来我校进行学术交流并做报告。

题目:High-Precision Cosmogenic Burial Dating: New Possibilities with a Gas-Filled Magnet(高精度宇宙核素成因埋藏测年:加速器质谱仪充气磁铁所带来的新机遇)



报告人简介:Prof. Darryl Granger received his BSc in Physics and Scientific Instrumentation from Carnegie Mellon University in 1991 and his PhD in Geology from University of California , Berkeley in 1996. After receiving his PhD degree at Berkeley , he joined the Purdue University and became a full professor in 2008. His PhD thesis pioneered the way of using in-situ produced cosmogenic nuclides in alluvial sediments to measure the long-term erosion rates, which has now become a standard method of quantifying landscape erosion rates. He was also among the first to use cosmogenic nuclides to date sediment burial age. Burial dating with 26Al and 10Be opens up a new window to the world that has not previously been datable and His professional interests has been applying cosmogenic nuclides to problems of landscape evolution, tectonic geomorphology, karst geomorphology, and archaeology, paleontology and paleoanthropology. He has also been a faculty member of Purdue Rare Isotope Measurement Laboratory (PRIME Lab), which is one of the only a few AMS laboratories in the world today with equipment capable of ultrasensitively measuring cosmogenic nuclides in geological samples. His publications include papers in Nature, Geology, EPSL, GSA Bulletin, etc.

Prof. Darryl Granger has been a Fellow of Geological Society of America since 2011.




