

姓 名:胡圣虹













教授,博士生导师。现任湖北省化学化工学会分析化学专业委员会副主任委员,中国地质学会岩矿测试专业委员会委员,《岩矿测试》、《分析科学学报》杂志编委。近年先后主持国家自然科学基金3项,国家科技攻关重大项目、国家海洋局国际海底区域研究开发“十五”规划项目、教育部科技重点项目等8项,在Anal.Chem.,J. Anal. At. Spectrom.等国内外学术刊物发表科研论文75篇,其中SCI收录论文57篇。出版译著一部,教材二部,获教育部自然科学二等奖和中国分析测试学会一等奖各一项。


1) 国家自然科学基金项目:硫化物矿物LA-ICP-MS微区PGEs和Pb-Re-Os同位素分析研究,编号:40973021,2010-2012年

2) 教育部科学技术研究重点项目:基于生物增生微结构化学组成的湿地环境标志物研究,项目编号:108090,2008-2009年

3) 国家地质调查局项目:胶东地区优质苹果生产基地地球化学环境研究,项目编号:20080206,2008-2010年

4) 国家自然科学基金项目:生物增生结构的LA-ICP-MS分析研究,编号:20575061,2006-2008年

5) 湖北省自然科学基金:洪湖湿地生物增生结构中元素、同位素组成及其环境示踪研究,编号:2006ABA351,2006-2007


1. Hu Z C, Gunther D,Hu S H, Liu XM. Direct determination of Te in geological samples by ICP-MS using ethanol as a matrix modifier. APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY, 2006, 60(7), 781-785.

2. Hu S H, Zhang S C, Hu Z C, Xing Z, Zhang X R. Detection of multiple proteins on one spot by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and application to immuno-microarray with element-tagged antibodies. Anal Chem, 2007, 79(3), 923-929.

3. Hu Z C, Gao S,Hu S H, Liu Y S, Chen H H. A preliminary study of isopropyl alcohol matrix effect and correction in ICP-MS. Chin Chem Lett, 2007, 18(10), 1297-1300.

4. Jin L L, Jiang J F,Hu S H, Zhang H F. Determination of lead isotope ratio by dual gas flow-laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroemtry. Chin J Anal Chem, 2007, 35(2), 191-195.

5. Liu Y S, Hu Z C, Yuan H L,Hu S H, Cheng H H. Volume-optional and low-memory (VOLM) chamber for laser ablation-ICP-MS: application to fiber analyses. J Anal At Spectrom, 2007, 22(5), 582-585.

6. Xu H Z,Hu S H, Hu Z C, Jiang J F, Wang X H. Elements distribution in cobalt-rich crust profile by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Chin J Anal Chem, 2007, 35(8), 1099-1104.

7. Zhang H F, Jin L L, Zhang L, Harris N, Zhou L,Hu S H, Zhang B R. Geochemical and Pb-Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of granitoids from western Qinling belt: Constraints on basement nature and tectonic affinity. Sci ChinaSer D-Earth Sci, 2007, 50(2), 184-196.

8. Hu Z C, Gao S, Liu Y S, Chen H H,Hu S H. Accurate determination of rare earth elements in USGS, NIST SRM, and MPI-DING glasses by excimer LA-ICP-MS at high spatial resolution. Spectr Lett, 2008, 41(5), 228-236.

9. Hu Z C, Gao S, Liu Y S,Hu S H, Chen H H, Yuan H L. Signal enhancement in laser ablation ICP-MS by addition of nitrogen in the central channel gas. J Anal At Spectrom, 2008, 23(8), 1093-1101.

10. Hu Z C, Gao S, Liu Y S, Xu J,Hu S H, Chen H H. Niobium and tantalum concentrations in NIST SRM 610 revisited. Geostand Geoanal Res, 2008, 32(3), 347-360.

11. Hu Z C, Liu Y S, Gao S,Hu S H, Dietiker R, Gunther D. A local aerosol extraction strategy for the determination of the aerosol composition in laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. J Anal At Spectrom, 2008, 23(9), 1192-1203.

12. Xu J, Hu Z C, Liu Y S,Hu S H, Yuang H L, Gao S. Direct Determination of Ag in 21 International Geological Reference Materials by Membrane Desolvation-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry. Chin J Anal Chem, 2008, 36(11), 1493-1498.

13. Zhang L Y,Hu S H, Hu Z C, Hu M Y, Guo W, Liu Y S. New Strategy Based on Dielectric Barrier Discharge Under Atmospheric Pressure to Inhibit Elemental Fractionation Effect in LA-ICP-MS. Chem J Chin Univ-Chin, 2008, 29(10), 1947-1952.

14. Hu S H, Liu R, Zhang S C, Huang Z, Xing Z, Zhang X R. A New Strategy for Highly Sensitive Immunoassay Based on Single-Particle Mode Detection by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom, 2009, 20(6), 1096-1103.

15. Hu Z C, Gao S, Liu Y S,Hu S H, Zhao L S, Li Y X, Wang Q. NH4Fassisted high pressure digestion of geological samples for multi-element analysis by ICP-MS. J Anal At Spectrom, 2010, 25(3), 408-413.

16. Wu H J, Shuai Q, Zhu Z L,Hu S H. Complete Benzene Oxidation over Colloidal Gold Catalysts Supported on Nanostructure Zinc Oxide. Advance in Ecological Environment Functional Materials and Ion Industry 2010, 96, 21-27.

17. Zhu Z L, He Q A, Shuai Q, Zheng H T,Hu S H. Solution cathode glow discharge induced vapor generation of iodine for determination by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. J Anal At Spectrom, 2010, 25(9), 1390-1394.

18. Zhu Z L, Liu Z F, Zheng H T,Hu S H. Non-chromatographic determination of inorganic and total mercury by atomic absorption spectrometry based on a dielectric barrier discharge atomizer. J Anal At Spectrom, 2010, 25(5), 697-703.


1) 教育部自然科学二等奖(2009):光谱阵列分析的新原理与新方法

2) 中国分析测试协会科学技术一等奖(CAIA奖,2008):光谱阵列传感器及芯片分析新原理与新方法研究